You don’t wanna end up with 9 to 5 job, it seems too boring for you !! Sitting at 1 place in front of computer, working all day long doesn’t excites you, as you peek into the future of your career option ahead? or you are really bored with your current job? You want to try and would like do something interesting in your career, where your job won’t sound like a job and all that would remain will be fun with a fat paycheck. So stay tuned to know 10 interesting career options for you. These interesting career options are the most interesting fun options, but “To be the extraordinary, you have to stop being ordinary”, so hard work and creativity goes hand in hand to master these career options. So here are the 10 Best Interesting Fun Career Options to start your journey towards extra-ordinary, with our guidance links on, how can you master these interesting career skills.
1) Wildlife/Nature Photographer
This career option is best for those people who have a great interest in photography, who are the best photographers, who not only just take the photos but also capture the soul of the moment in their cameras. The girls and guys who for now are taking wildlife/Nature photography as hobby, they can now do something meaningful out of that hobby and can start pursuing this hobby as a full time profession. On Journey of pursuing this career, you can work as a freelancer and sell your photos online or you can also choose to work for Discovery/National-Geography/other company as their wildlife/Nature photographer.
The best part of choosing this career option is that you would be travelling to some of the best beautiful natural location on our planet, what better than this it can get that you get to travel and your expenses would be barred by your company and of course you can always choose the place to which you wanna go on your own as well for photography.
If you have interest in photography, then all you need is some guidance to master the skill to the most advanced level, then follow this photography course link here,
Get certified and Master Photography with best Professional courses online on Udemy available from 20$ onwards (The World’s one of the Leading E-learning)
2) Animation
If you have the most powerful imagination, the animated characters starts to pop up in your mind, you can imagine the world moving up-side down in your mind, you can create scene after scene effortlessly in your mind, then animation is best career choice for you.
The career is animation is super interesting, innovative and creative. All the time, you would be thinking of new imaginative scene which you would make it real while working in this career. The Career options would be working for the cartoon channel, news channels, movie industry, advertisement industry or as freelancer. Of course there are big fat paychecks for you, if you are great in animation designing.
If you have interest in animation, but don’t know how to acquire new animation skills, then follow this animation course link here,
Animation from beginner level for 20$ from Udemy (Worlds Leading E-Learning).
3) Blogging
If you have an edge for writing, you can convert your thoughts, ideas, creativity into interesting words, if you want to give provide value to the world by new information and knowledge then blogging is great interesting career choice for you. Be aware that in today’s time, this profession has too much competition, so if you are not dedicated towards your writing, if you cannot innovate new content, then it would be difficult for you to climb to the top or at-least attain a middle range level.
You can also choose to work path time on this profession, while doing your day time job and when you get enough audience following for your writing then you can become full time writer.
Rewards in this career are great if you are awesome in writing interesting articles. You can work as freelancer or write articles for magazines or on online website for your set price or you can write on your own website as well (Like I write for my website ‘StunningAlways’).

4) Android Application Developer
Many of you would be knowing and would have used ‘Whatsapp’, which was an Android Application initially and gained lot of popularity in 1-2 years of time, after the popularity, whatsapp is now available on all the platforms like IOS and windows as well. Last year (in 2015), we read about the news that Facebook acquired whatsapp for 22 Billion Dollars. This is just 1 example of people making big fortunes with Android Apps, there are many popular android applications that have made many individuals millionaires after their applications become popular.
So if you have great technical skills then you can go ahead and make a fortune for yourself by being an Android application developer. Of all career, this is the career skill you can learn the fastest with least money and resources, and you can start developing you own applications in a month’s time. Again in this field also, you need to be creative and make the best applications.
You would be earning in this career by making android applications on your own and publishing those applications on the play store, or you can choose to work as free lancer and there is big demand for Android developers in market, so you can always choose to work for some big company and develop the best android applications.
If you want to start learning to become Android Developer from basic towards advanced level, then follow this course link here to help you get started.
Android Programming For Absolute Beginner from around 14$ from Udemy(Worlds Leading E-Learning).
5) Game Developer
This career choice requires imagination working in tuning with the best technical skills (as you need to know software languages to program and translate your imagination thoughts into the gaming world).
You can work for the big gaming companies or you can choose to work on some modules on your own. You can also get the gaming developing software’s on your home PC and start working on mobile or PC games. This career is highly rewarding as there is always demand for best game developer to design new games for mobiles, PC, Xbox or Play-station platform.
You can check for many other game development courses available online here on, Choose to learn from other game courses From Udemy (Worlds Leading E-Learning).
6) Journalist/Reporter of a travel show
You are good in communication, talking skills and interaction with people, but you don’t want to stay confined to 4 walls of a room, then this is great career option for you.
There are many travel channels, travel shows who are constantly looking out for people that would be flexible enough to travel to any world locations to shoot travel show’s episodes, so if you are one of those people who wants to explore our beautiful world and still earn big money, then go ahead, take a step closer towards this career.
7) Acting
Now this career is the most rewarding of all career options, if you grow as an actor to become one the top celebs, you would get paid really high. While other lesser popular actors also do get paid better than most of the 9-5 job. Also we would like to add that it would be really difficult to establish self in this profession, as the struggle is too much and too many factors define your success in this field. But everyday a new star is born, so may be that star is hidden in you, so take the step ahead if you think you can act well and have great interest to pursue it as a career.
Here is the beginner level acting course to help you get started,
Acting Course For Beginner for around 79$ from Udemy(Worlds Leading E-Learning).
8) Fashion Designer
You have craving for stylish clothes and designer wear, while at the same time you can think of new designs in your mind and think of ways on how the dress would look more stylish, then Fashion designer is the career option for you.
The rewards in this career field are high provided you are designing new stylish dress wear on timely basis. You can work for popular clothes brand chains (Ralph Lauren, Peter England, Raymond etc) to become one of their designers for their clothes section or also you can start as a freelancer, work from home to make new designs and sell to the big designer stores with some 60-80 percent of selling price as you profit.
Here is the Fashion designing course to help you get started,
Fashion Designing Online Course for around 80$ From Udemy.
9) Wildlife Conservation
Are you a person that wants to protect environment, prevent our planet from global warming by preserving trees and animal life, then a great career option for you would be to become a ‘wildlife conservationists’. Primarily their work is to protect the habitats of plants and animals. Conservationists job duties include studying soil and water, as well as striving to prevent wildfires in the forest. Entry-level jobs in wildlife conservation typically require a bachelor’s degree in wildlife biology.
These career option for now would be one of the least competitive job of all jobs. The rewards are high and you would get to travel to the beautiful natural habitats on the cost of government expenses. These are government jobs, so you would get to get the benefits of a government employee like pension and other perks that government officials enjoy.
10) YouTuber (One who makes videos for their own youtube channel)
In the tech world of 21st century, people are constantly looking for entertainment in there stressful life, so if you can talk interesting, you are great in interacting with people, you can create new interesting content and can think about converting it into a popular video, then you can be one of those persons that can provide entertainment value to the audience by its interesting videos. There are many successful You-Tuber that have made a fortune for themselves by publishing videos (some of the really popular you Tuber have published more than 200-300 videos) and now they are millionaires.
This Career is not easy and it requires you to constantly put efforts to come up with the new interesting content, but once you understand how to create interesting content, you would be good to go and you will create your name and fame in the world of You Tube.
You can start working on weekends/ Part time and choose some other full time day job, if you don’t want to risk everything on becoming you tuber, as there is no guarantee that you would be successful in this field, as it’s already really competitive for you-tubers. You can create your own channel and start putting meaningful informative interesting videos online on weekends and once you get popular, you would get little earnings from your tube channel videos and then you leave your day job to become a full time you tuber.
If you want to start create your own you-tube video and start earning as a you-tuber, then follow this course can help you, here is link,
Learn and Master the skills to make you-tube videos from beginner to expert level for 199$ From Udemy.
Our final words..
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Share your fun career options ideas with us in the comment box below, share with us the questions and queries, you have for these interesting career choices. Also tell us how you liked our suggestions and how it inspired you to do something different for your career ahead, we would feel great to know the impact we created on many people for helping them choose great fun careers ahead…
Interesting Options.